Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Business Communication

Business communication is a process to inform and sharing an information between people and company or organization, to get a commercial benefit. Business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers. Business Communication is a communication that used to promote a product, service, or organization with the objective of making sale.

Communication is an integral part of business. Companies transfer information for various reasons to internal and external business stakeholders. Larger companies often spend copious amounts of time developing and sending messages to managers, employees and the general public. Small businesses may not have as much communication depending on their business operations. However, small business owners must find ways to communicate information to banks, customers, vendors or other individuals involved in the business.

Communication procces lets us create a common meaning between the receiver and the sender. So there are several elements of communication :
  1. Sender/encoder : sender is the person who give an information during the communication. Sender usually as a subject. Sender give an information to an individual,a company and an organization about their product to promote it.
  2. Receiver/decorder : receiver usually as an object. Receiver is the individual or individuals to whom the message is directed to
  3. A  Message : A message is the main idea or main information that the sender give to a receiver. Message can be idea, information, gestures, emotions that we can understand. And a message is a short communication sent from one person to another or the central theme or idea of a communication.
  4. Channel/medium : medium is the way we explain the idea. We can use direct communication like in a meeting or formal presentation. Or we can use indirect communication like using short message, electronic message (e-mail), or formal message. 
Effective communication is a part and parcel of any successful organization. A communication should be free from barriers so as to be effective. Communication is a two way process where the message sent by the sender should be interpreted in the same terms by the recipient. There are 8 aspectcs guidelines for Effective Communication : 
  • Clarity of Purpose : The message to be delivered must be clear in the mind of sender. The person to whom it is targeted and the aim of the message should be clear in the mind of the sender.
  • Shared Activity : The both company needs to have the same interest and have the same goals to achieve it. Also when the both company give some information that might benefit them, they should give a feedback. Whether the message sent by the sender is the sender understood in same terms by the receiver or not can be judged by the feedback received
  • Common Set of Symbol : In the share about an information the sender and the receiver have to use the language that both of the understand with. They need to used the same language to be more easiest to get the main idea. 
  • Focus on The Need of The Receiver : The sender’s must give the information correctly and focus on what the receiver needed. The sender must have the skills, knowledge, attitude to make the receiver feel pleased on what they offer also try not to discuss besides the topic that they should discuss.
  • Active Listening : The receiver have to listen carefully during the sender give the information about something. And keep pay attention to who’s talking in the forum. 
  • Politeness : Certainly what governs polite communication in some cultures is not true in others, so it’s important to understand cultural differences in advance. Communicating politely indicates a respect for others, which can go a long way in both personal and business communications.
  • Avoiding Connotation : Besides they must have a good attitude and politeness, also the both company needs to avoid the topic or the connotations when they speak their mind about their opinion, because it may cause a misunderstanding whether it is intentional or not.
  • Socio-Psychological Aspect : we must understand the body language of the receiver that listen to us. Are they interest to what we informed or not. So if it’s not make them comfortable, we have to change the topic that we give to them. Or just make it more interesting.
So, what is effective communication itself? Effective communication is not merely about exchanging information between you and your audience. It is about making what you want to say, what you actually say and what your audience interprets, consistent. Improving your communication skills can make a world of a difference in your relationships with others and help you achieve your personal goals in life. We are, of course, social beings, and improving the way we relate to others can only benefit us.
The goal of effective communication is to create a common perception that is received in a positive manner, so that you can together agree on a further action or decision, even if that just means that the other person will allow you to continue speaking.
Knowing how people best take in information is important in being able to communicate with them effectively. For instance, if you’re talking to a person who shuns small talk, you want to get straight to the point. By doing so, that person is more likely going to take in what you have to say. If you have more knowledge you will easier to you to understand and give a right respect. Knowledge process that have influence for affect the course effective communication, Because if a sender has a low or minimal knowledge would be difficult, to respond the answer from the receiver, therefore it is good senders who have extensive knowledge of various aspect.

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