Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Where Do You Want To Go? ~ Penulisan 3

I love traveling. I think with the traveling we can see the other side the beauty of the world. Sometime I really want to be a traveler, if she(my mom) allowed me to be the traveler hahaha I really wanted to know how the culture and day life of other countries.
One of the country that I really want to visit this time is South Korea. Do you know I'm really love KPOP kkk~ besides the artists at there are handsome and beautiful, but they are highly qualified, professional, and talentedWe know that he entertainment industry in highly developed in south korea commonly called "Hallyu Wave" South Korea also save natural beauty and unique culture. do you want more? check this out~~~!

1. Myeong-Dong International Shopping District

Myeong-dong is one of the busiest places in Seoul and is among Korea’s premier shopping destinations. Over 1 million shoppers pass through this area each and every day. Located in the heart of Seoul, Myeong-dong market has been a witness to Korea’s tumultuous modern-day history as a center of city politics, economy, and culture. To international visitors, Myeong-dong is a stunning shopping district with countless shops and restaurants. Its wild popularity has led to similar shopping districts springing up all across the country.Woa~ you can imaginate it how much clothes you can buy at there? hahaha

2. Namsan Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower was built in 1969 as Korea's first integrated transmission tower beaming television and radio broadcasts across the capital. Since opening to the public in 1980, it has become a much-loved Seoul landmark. The tower's main attractions include multi-colored digital art projected onto the tower at night, a digital observatory, a roof terrace, the HanCook restaurant, the n.Grill restaurant, and the Haneul (Sky) Restroom. N Seoul Tower's mountain surroundings on Namsan (Mt.) have made it a popular place to unwind for locals and tourists alike.

Situated on top of the N Plaza, the Roof Terrace is a spacious wooden viewing deck whose exotic atmosphere makes it very popular with lovers. A recent attraction for courting couples is "Locks of Love," thousands of padlocks attached to the fence by romantic Seoulites symbolizing their undying affection.
*It is not permitted to throw your keys over the fence. How wonderfulthis place right? And very romantic and this place also be a favorite place for dating, It if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend kkk~

3. Jeju Island

Expanse of grassland and flowers, cliffs, mountains, waterfalls and beautiful beaches are the things that can be enjoyed here.With a variety of unique, Jeju Island has been named as one of the 7 wonders of the world today.Jeju Island or commonly also called Jejudo is a volcanic island located off the southern coast of South Korea, and within walking distance of Japan.Jeju is the largest island in South Korea's smallest province. Its inhabitants have a culture and a different language from the other Korean mainland. Total population in Jeju Island is only about half a million people. Wide area of ​​the island with a population of slightly this makes the atmosphere of this place to be quiet and calm. It is suitable to spend a relaxing time.In Jeju, there are some special spots are so reliable. So, make sure these places you could visit while on the island of Jeju. Breathtaking scenery to become a tourist attraction and abroad. Jeju Island is usually a lot of couples who spend their vacation time here. Wow! It's so amazing right? beautiful places who will made a never forgotten experiences><

4. Everland Theme Park

‘Dreams Become Reality, the Land of Year-Round Festivals!’
Everland is divided into five sections: American Adventure, Magic Land, European Adventure and Zoo Topia, in addition to the Global Fair. Located near the front entrance of Everland, the Global Fair is home to a large bazaar decorated with reproductions of castles from France, Middle Eastern countries, Spain, India, and Russia. Not only visually captivating, the various architectural styles invite visitors into the culture and history of other nations, such as the Ancient and Medieval Periods of Europe.

The Four Seasons Garden of Everland is decorated with beautiful flowers arranged in a French garden style. Surrounded by Holland-style architecture, the gardens are the stage for seasonal flower festivals (tulips from April to June, lilies from July to August, and chrysanthemums from September to October and Romantic Illumination, light festival, in winter season), laser shows, firewoks and musical fountain shows. The Zoo Topia section of the park is the where guests can find the ever-popular Safari World and Lost Valley. In safari world white tigers, tigers, lions, and bears roam around freely, providing guests with an up-close look at these amazing creatures. In Lost Valley, visitors can see white lions and other various herbivore animals riding on exciting amphibious vehicles, and even feed some of their favorite animals like giraffes.

5. Haeundae Beach

So here’s Haeundae Beach, except not like people are used to seeing it. Haeundae Beach is overwhelmingly popular in the summertime, where it gets so crowded that it’s oftentimes standing room only. We went on January 21st, when no one’s even thinking about swimming, but just drawing their names in the sand, taking pictures with their boyfriends and girlfriends, and looking off at the boats in the distance. We like it better that way. So we got all artsy fartsy and made a movie for it. Yeah!

That's about the other country that I really want to visited. And in my country Indonesia I really want to go to the Lombok. So let's explore lombok~~~!

Long overshadowed by its superstar neighbour across the Lombok Strait there's a steady hum about Lombok that catches the ear of travellers looking for something different from Bali. Blessed with exquisite white-sand beaches, epic surf, a lush forested interior, and hiking trails through tobacco and rice fields, Lombok is fully loaded with equitorial allure. Oh, and you'll probably notice mighty Gunung Rinjani, Indonesia's second-highest volcano, its summit complete with hot springs and a dazzling crater lake.

And there's much more. Lombok's southern coastline is nature on a very grand scale: breathtaking turquoise bays, world-class surf breaks and massive headlands. They keep saying development on these splendid beaches is just around the corner, but until that moment comes, they are easy to explore over much-improved roads.If you're going to the Gilis, a Lombok stopover is a must. Transport options are good and the mood could not be more laid back.

Okay that's my only wishes LOL hopefully I can go there with my lovely family, someone who loves me and I love them too *eaaa kkk~ it will be a unforgettable moment in my live.

English for Special Purpose Tourism ~ Tugas 3

1. A.T.A (Actual Time of Arrival) : Jam tiba/kedatangan sesungguhnya untuk penerbangan.

2. A.T.D (Actual Time of Departure) : Jam take off/ keberangkatan sesungguhnya untuk penerbangan.

3. Airport of Entry : Bandara yang menyediakan bea cukai dan imigrasi bagi pengunjung asing

4. Airport of Tariff : Biaya airport

5. A La Carte : Berasal dari bahasa perancis yang artinya “sesuai dengan menu nya” dan banyak di gunakan dalam terminologi restaurant yg di artikan sebagai: Opsi tambahan untuk menu utama yg bisa di pilih tanpa dikenakan tambahan biaya
6. American Plan : Sistem perencanaan harga kamar dimana harga yang dibayarkan sudah termasuk harga kamar itu sendiri ditambah dengan harga makan (meals)

7. A.S.A (American Sightseeing Association) : orang amerika yang menyukai travelling

8. Banggages : Barang barang bawaan
9. Beverages : Biasa juga disebut juga dengan drinks atau minuman yang biasa dihidangkan dibar. Secara garis besar beverage dibagi menjadi 2 golongan, yaitu: Non Alcoholic Beverage dan Alcoholic Beverage

10. Booking : Proses pemesanan atau pembelian tiket

11. Brochures : Brosur merupakan dokumen kertas informatif (sering juga digunakan untuk iklan), yang dapat dilipat menjadi selebaran, pamflet atau brosur.
12. Callendar of Events :  tanggal yaang dimana ditentukannya acara acara 

13. Cancellation : Pembatalan tiket

14. Charter : Penyewaan kapasitas pesawat udara untuk dipergunakan pihak pencharter

charter ialah usaha untuk menggunakan pesawat udara untuk sesuatu keperluan atau maksud dengan penyerahan sejumlah harga yang ditentukan dalam perjanjian

15. Charter of Flight : Angkutan udara niaga yang dilaksanakan para rute dan jadwal penerbangan yang tidak tetap dan tidak teratur, dengan tarif sesuai dengan kesepakatan antara penyedia dan pengguna jasa dan tidak dipublikasikan

16. Check in Time : Jam dimana tamu sudah diperbolehkan melakukan check-in

17. Check out Time : Jam dimana Anda sudah harus meninggalkan hotel di hari terakhir menginap

18. Conducted Tour : Tur yang sudah ada pemimpinnya

19. C.I.Q (Customs Immigration Quaratee) : Bagi para penumpang pada penerbangan internasional dalam rangka kegiatan wisata atau perjalanan dari dan ke luar negeri dipastikan melalui proses pemeriksaan petugas Bea & Cukai, Imigrasi dan Karantina yang dikenal dengan sebutan CIQ (Custom, Immigration, Quarantine), yaitu lembaga pemerintahan yang bertugas mengatur, mengawasi dan mengamankan lalu-lintas keluar masuknya manusia, barang-barang dan mahluk hidup lainnya

20. Destination Area : Daerah Tujuan akhir suatu penerbangan

21. Direct Flight : Penerbangan langsung tanpa transit

22. Excess Baggages : Kelebihan muatan

23. Excursion : Perjalanan yang dilaksanakan kurang dari 24 jam

24. Exit Permit : Izin untuk meninggalkan negara dimana seseorang tersebut tinggal dengan tujuan untuk berpergian ke negara lain.baik untuk wisata/ untuk sesuatu urusan tertentu/untuk urusan pekerjaan

25. Entry Permit : Surat keterangan izin untuk memasuki negara

26. Family Plan : Harga kamar yang diberlakukan khusus untuk tamu keluarga, dimana anak yang berusia 12 tahun tidak dikenakan biaya tambahan jika berada di dalam satu kamar dengan dengan orangtuanya

Jumat, 17 April 2015

The Customer is Always Right

Do you agree that the customer is always right?

No! I do not agree that the customer is always right. Because the relationship between employees and customers should be a mutually beneficial relationship. Between them must have good communication and should be mutual respect. But, the customers feel that they should be given the maximum service, without thinking that employees can make mistakes unintentionally. Employee shall perform services as possible in order to get sympathy from the customer.

 My good Experience as a Customer

A few months ago I went to a beauty salon. Provided a very comfortable place and the service was awesome. The women will feel like a queen for a day. Hospitality employees who were there so make customers comfortable, so customers are welcome to linger there.
When I came there with my mom, we were greeted with a friendly greeting. We are welcome to sit and wait for our turn. We were given some snacks such as candy, cookies, and a glass of water. We also provided many beauty magazines to read while we were bored. Very satisfactory service to a beauty salon. The price offered is not too expensive, we can indulge ourselves with reasonable price and good service.

Kamis, 16 April 2015


Eridani Tours and Travel

            CV. Eridani Tour and Travel was originally established at the initiative of Mr. Sugiat in mid-August 2004. He was able to establish this CV as already experienced in the field of Tour and Travel for more than 20 years and has sufficient capital. The choice of location in Malang Malang is also the consideration that the tourism industry that is promising and profitable business in this tour. Until now Mr. Sugiat remains the owner and CV. Eridani Tour and Travel. Since the beginning of the CV. Eridani, mid-August 2004, CV.  
            Eridani Tour and Travel office located at Regency Tower No. 1, Jl Kol. Sugiono Malang until now .Providing quality service and high standards in the form of convenience, comfort and speed in tours and travel services to customers who are students or college, schools, companies and communities so that they are satisfied and loyal to the company
Build long-term relationships with customers as one of the competitive advantages
CV Eridani Tour and Travel provides several products and services and tarvel tour to meet the needs of the community. Products and services are as follows:

3.4.1 Ticketing
         We provide air ticket purchasing service for home and abroad as well as tickets for ships (PELNI). Some Airline tickets we provide is Garuda, Mandala, Merpati, Mandala, Lion Air, Batavia Air, Wings Air, Sriwijaya Air, Citilink, Air Asia and others. We provide the best possible services to enable customers in the plane ticket reservation.

3.4.2 Travel (Tourism)

        We provide a variety of travel packages, Study excursie and spiritual tourism. Some of them are travel to Jakarta, Bandung, Bali and Lombok, Yogyakarta and others. Besides, we also provide a package Bromo Tour, tour in the city of Malang and Batu Malang as well as Java Park, Beach Balekambang and others.

3.4.3 Travel
       We are an agency that has experience in the travel route Malang services to Blitar, Sidoarjo, Juanda, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya and surrounding areas. With the shuttle to the destination facility, insurance and cooperation with the Juanda airport, we provide the best service for customers so that business trip or usual will be more enjoyable.

3.4.4 Reservation

      We provide a wide range of hotels in Malang of different types of hotels for consumers who want to enjoy the city of Malang. As well as various cities in Indonesia. We can make reservations according to customer requirements. With an extensive network, needs a place to stay will be fulfilled. We also will provide the best service for customers.

3.4.5 Tourism Bus Rental

3.4.6 Car Rental

       Tour or business will not be smooth if not supported by the vehicle or car. For customers who want to use a car to travel in and out of town, we rent a car with a variety of types and brands like Suzuki APV, Panther, Kijang Innova, Kijang LGX and Avanza.

Office: Ruko Gadang Regency No. 1, 
Jl. Kol. Sugiono, Gadang, Malang. 
Telp. (0341)807240-7053385-fax.837624


        In 1998 Panorama Group decided to add the company after establishing inbound and outbound transportation business, turning it into a group of travel and tourism are the most integrated without losing focus in the process of learning to master the core competencies and then developed to achieve the necessary economies of scale.

        Born in situations Panorama Group which continues to grow rapidly, Panorama Tours grow and become a national market leader during the first decade of operation. Being a travel and tourism management company that has won numerous awards through innovation and expansion of the expansion. Travel Adikarya 2010, six awards IMAC during 2008-2013, two awards Indonesia Tourism Award, seven MURI and hundreds of other awards from the government, tourism boards, independent agencies, etc., proving that the Panorama Tours has been a strong player in the tourism industry.

       With services include travel management company, leisure and retail travel management, corporate incentives tours, online travel, travel documents, franchise business trip, panoramic tours provide a one stop solution to serve business travelers and as well as entrepreneurs. With hundreds of travel consultants at no less than 100 points of sale throughout Indonesia and regional offices in Malaysia, Singapore, and Beijing, Panorama tours provide services to local and foreign customers.

Travel Management
       Business unit of travel management companies and focuses on Free Individual Travel (FIT) to meet the growing market. As a one stop travel solution, Corporate Business Development (CBD) has more than a thousand corporate accounts and cements our position as one of the leading corporate travel agency in Indonesia.

Leisure Tour Management
       Leisure Tour Management offers group tour packages to almost every part of the world's retail customers, ranging from individuals, couples and families. Tour participants will be free from the problem of complexity, including preparing for flights, hotels and transportation, queuing to get into a tourist attraction, and so on.

Corporate Incentive Management
       Corporate Incentive Management runs the planning, preparation and execution of the company incentive trip. With a professional team as a tour organizer who made a special itinerary for enterprise customers.

1. Synergy (Synergy)

Complementary and utilize the existing advantages to achieve maximum results. Effective communication is the main requirement.

2. Pursuit of Excellence (Keprimaan)

Continuously striving to be the best in everything that is done

3. Integrity (Integrity)

Fair and business ethics.

4. Reability (reliability)

Strive earnestly and consistently to meet commitments.

5. Innovative and Proactive (Innovative & Proactive)

Constantly looking for new way to provide a unique and valuable service. Intelligent in anticipation of all the challenges

6. Trully Care (Care)

Bring happiness and smiles to millions of customers.

PT. Panorama Tours Indonesia
Panorama Building Lt. 2
Jl. Tomang Raya No. 63
Jakarta Barat, Indonesia 11440
(021) 2556 5199