Information technology, also known as
IT, is a comprehensive term that includes all types of technology used to
exchange, store, use or create information. Commonly used information
technology equipment includes computers, servers, peripheral devices, Internet
connectivity equipment and phone systems. From basic computer terminals to
IP-based telephony systems, information technology is an integral part of most
modern business operations.
1. E-Mail
Email is widely used as a form of
business communication and overall it is a highly effective communication tool.
Email is inexpensive, only requiring an Internet connection that is generally
already present in the business. Although a printout of emails is possible,
emails often stay as soft copies because archiving and retrieving email
communications is easy to do. From the CEO to the janitorial staff and even
temporary employees of the business can send and receive email communications.
2. Internet
is very difficult to imagine how any business could operate during this time without the use of the
internet. The development of the internet has significantly altered the day to
day operations of a business; including how they communicate with each other
and their audience. Information can be easily transmitted to any destination in
a matter of seconds. The internet has become an essential tool for marketing
and advertising. A business can present itself to customers with the use of a
website or online advertisements. Many businesses now use the internet as a
means of making customers aware of their current promotions. This can be
very beneficial to businesses that are targeting a younger audience.
3. Voicemail
is a computer-based system that allows users and subscribers to exchange
personal voice messages, to select and deliver voice
information; and to process transactions relating to individuals,
organizations, products and services, using an ordinary telephone.
What is Business Report?
Definition of
Business Report, Meaning of Business Report-When a report is written for
business purpose, it is called business report. It is a little bit different
from other reports. It deals with business related information. A business
report is prepared containing business related information that assists the
management to take better decisions. Some definitions on business report are given
below :
- According to Lesikar and Petit, “A business report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information that serves some business purpose.”
- Boone and Other said, “A business report is a document that organizes information and a specific topic for a specific business purpose.”
- According to Murphy and Hildebrandt, “A business report is an impartial, objective, planned presentation of a fact to one or more persons for a specific, significant business purpose.”
Characteristics of Business Report
reports carry information on facts related to business activities. The very
nature of business report differentiates it from other reports. The unique
characteristics of business report are discussed below-
- Specific Issue: Every report, including business one, is written on specific subject. It is written to fulfill certain need.
- Pre-Specified Audience: An important characteristic of report is that it has a pre-specified audience. Usually a report is written for a limited number of audiences and the need of the audience is always kept in mind.
- Specific Structure or Layout: In preparing report, certain structure or layout or format is followed. The layout or structure of report is almost same in every case.
- Written on Past Events: In most of the cases, the reports are written on past events. Most of the business reports carry the reasons of happing the incident, the ways of recovery etc. Reports are also written in past forms.
- Neutral in Nature: In drafting reports, impartiality it strictly maintained. No biased or non-objective material is included in it. Biased report may lead to disastrous decisions.
- Factual Information: Business report is always written based on factual information. The data collected on specific events is factual, not factious.
- Joint Effort: A report is an outcome of joint efforts of a group of people. No one can personally or solely prepare a report. Now-a-days, in most of the cases, committee is formed containing three to seven people for furnishing a report on certain incident.
- Orderly Presentation: The information of a report is presented orderly so that the audience can get his needed information from where it is located.
- Upward Flow: The direction of a report is always upward in the organizational structure. The higher authority normally assigns the duty of preparing reports to their immediate lower authority and after preparing the report, they submit it to their boss or higher authority.
- Some Additional Aids in Presentation: A report is always presented in an attractive way. In addition, analytical reports contain executive summary, contents and index, necessary charts, graphs and design and conclusion and recommendation etc.
- Signature and Date: It is customary to put the signature of the reporter with date at the end of the report. If it is prepared by a committee, signature must be given by each member of the committee.
Reports on the basis of Importance or Frequency
The reports
are classified into two types. They are ordinary or routine reports and special
1. Ordinary or Routine Report
reports are prepared and presented before the managing director at specific
intervals or to the next authorized person in the business routine. The reports
shall be submitted either daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly,
bi-annually or annually. This type of report contains mere statement of facts
in detail without any opinion or recommendation of the reporter.
Examples for
routine reports are Report of Directors to the Annual General Meeting, Auditor’s Report to the Annual General Meeting,
Sales Report, Production Report and the like.
2. Special Report
This type of
report is prepared and presented before the top management on specific request.
It usually contains the opinions or recommendations of the reporter with the
help of facts and arguments. Examples for special report are opening of branch,
introducing a new product, Improving the quality or changing the shape or size
of the product and the like.
Reports on the Basis of Legal Formalities
The reports
are classified into two types. They are formal report and informal report.
1. Formal Report
Formal report
is prepared in a prescribed format and presented before the competent authority
in an established procedure. Reports submitted by officials or committees of
constituted bodies (example: Companies, Cooperative Societies, Local Bodies etc.) are usually formal report.
2. Informal Report
report is prepared in a format of the convenience of the reporter and presented
directly before the required person as and when demanded. An informal report is
presented as in the form of letter or memorandum. Generally, it takes the form
of a person to person communication.
The formal
reports are classified into two types.
Reports on the basis of Function
The reports
are classified on the basis of function into two types. They are informative
and interpretative.
1. Informative Report
informative report is prepared and presented with the help of available
information at the maximum with regard to an issue or situation.
2. Interpretative Report
interpretative report is not only contains the facts, views and opinions of
reporters and others but also includes the causes for an issue or an event and
required remedial action with recommendations.
Reports on the basis of meetings
Whenever a
meeting is organized in any business organization, a report is prepared by the secretary or any other
individual about the proceedings of the meeting. Such reports are classified
into two types. They are Verbation Report and Summarized Report.
1. Verbation Reports
A verbation
report is a complete word by word record of all discussions made at a meeting.
For example, Appointment of an Auditor. A resolution is passed in the meeting.
Likewise, Directors are appointed and the remuneration and perquisites of key
personnel are fixed by passing a resolution. In this case, a report is prepared
by including the verbation record of the resolutions passed with the names of
the proposers and seconders, manner of voting and results.